The Girl Guides of Victoria Central Division from San Fernando and environs, which was established in 1919, invaded The Grace Communion Grounds for a five day camp, entitled “Camp Impact” from Tuesday 3rd to Saturday 7th April 2018. With forty Girl guides and fourteen staff led by Ms. Jacqueline Dolly Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association of Trinidad and Tobago.
Following the setting up period, it was time for the girls to get down to business, and so the opening ceremony was set for 3.00 P.M. Wednesday 4th.
The chairperson Ms. Leann Bradshaw gave the signal for the girls to assemble. With the accompaniment of prerecorded music, they marched out in single file and occupied their positions. Also in attendance were Ms. Annetta Alexander, popularly known as Sister Juliana, who has been a Guide from a young girl, a past President and currently Vice President of the Association, along with the outgoing Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association Ms. Marilyn Barker-Duncan who has a rich history of over fifty years in the Girl guides.
The feature address was delivered by Mrs. Laura Sealy, of Grace Communion who welcomed the Campers to the compound, building on the theme IMPACT by putting meaning to each letter. This was accomplished with assistance of six girls, who raised the letters as they were called. Mrs. Sealy reminded the girls to have an impact not only at camp but how they live their lives. This was reinforced as Ms. Dolly referred to what was said as the underlying motto of the Girl Guides theme.
By welcoming the Girl Guides to this camp at Grace Communion compound, the birth of a new concept of service to the wider community came in to effect. As the door to other groups wishing to participate in similar activities were now made possible.
Ensuring the teenage girls safety during the five day camp, were seven members of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment led by Corporal Jacobs. Some of the activities during the camp were visits to some of the historical sites in the North, and learning skills crafts.
Posted: 11th April 2018